Latest Past Events
Spring Walks 2018
Outside the King's Head Church Hill, CubbingtonGuided walks in South Cubbington Wood. On the early April walks we should see wood anemones, primroses and wood sorrel and on the later ones, bluebells. We shall also visit our champion wild pear tree which should come into flower during the period covered by the walks. Meet outside the King's Head, Church Hill, Cubbington. Sturdy […]
Spring Walks 2018
Outside the King's Head Church Hill, CubbingtonGuided walks in South Cubbington Wood. On the early April walks we should see wood anemones, primroses and wood sorrel and on the later ones, bluebells. We shall also visit our champion wild pear tree which should come into flower during the period covered by the walks. Meet outside the King's Head, Church Hill, Cubbington. Sturdy […]
Spring Walks 2018
Outside the King's Head Church Hill, CubbingtonGuided walks in South Cubbington Wood. On the early April walks we should see wood anemones, primroses and wood sorrel and on the later ones, bluebells. We shall also visit our champion wild pear tree which should come into flower during the period covered by the walks. Meet outside the King's Head, Church Hill, Cubbington. Sturdy […]